如果您没有支付宝或微信:Overseas users click here to make payment
遇到充值问题请联系客服qq:1220629966 港台用户请使用支付宝或微信支付,币种选择人名币。谢谢 xzs 发表于 2023-9-19 12:01
遇到充值问题请联系官网右侧的客服。 If I use PayPal, what do I include in the message? How can I be sure you'll actually give Diamonds to my account? And how do I know how much I should pay? What's the exchange rate? So many questions with PayPal that are not explained for foreigners. Malesor 发表于 2024-5-8 04:34
If I use PayPal, what do I include in the message? How can I be sure you'll actually give Diamonds t ...
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